The 11th Asia-Pacific Trade Facilitation Forum kicked off in Samarkand


The 11th Asia-Pacific Trade Facilitation Forum (APTFF) has opened in Samarkand, the press service of the MIPT reports.
It is attended by over 250 foreign guests from more than 30 countries, including representatives of about 10 international organizations.

At the opening of the Forum, Deputy Minister of Investment, Industry and Trade Khurram Teshabayev noted the widespread introduction of innovative technologies and digitalization, due to which there is an increase in production volumes and international trade. At the same time, issues of ensuring stable supplies of food and agricultural products in the region remain relevant.

In this context, international cooperation in the areas of trade, transport and logistics, digitalization, as well as simplification of trade procedures through electronic data exchange and the development of new business mechanisms are of great importance. Among the most effective measures are the organization of modern trade and logistics centers, simplified customs corridors and special economic zones in border areas.

The discussion also touched upon reforms aimed at liberalizing the economy and creating a favorable investment climate, implemented in Uzbekistan in recent years.
In particular, as a result of eliminating barriers to entering the foreign market, liberalizing the foreign exchange market, and abolishing customs duties on more than 7 thousand types of raw materials and goods, the republic’s foreign trade turnover has doubled.

The tax burden has been reduced by almost 2 times, tax administration has been simplified, and the country has formed the most attractive fiscal system in Central Asia.
As noted, in such conditions, liberalization of the transport services market, optimization of licensing procedures, and creation of a single digital platform for international transportation are of great importance.

The forum will continue its work until April 5. The program of the event includes the organization of group discussions and sessions devoted to various aspects of trade facilitation and digitalization, including cross-border paperless trade and transport, as well as greening the trade process.
For reference: The Asia-Pacific Trade Facilitation Forum (APTFF) is the leading regional platform for sharing best practices and knowledge in trade facilitation. APTFF has been organized since 2009 by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), in collaboration with a growing number of partners.


The 11th Asia-Pacific Trade Facilitation Forum kicked off in Samarkand

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